Boating While Intoxicated

Arkansas law prohibits anyone from boating while intoxicated (BWI). This includes the operation of any motorboat or other vessel, or manipulation of water skis or other device, while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or both. Alcohol and drugs cause impaired balance, blurred vision, poor coordination, impaired judgment, and slower reaction times. Alcohol is a major contributor to boating accidents and fatalities.
Arkansas law states that a person is considered to be boating while intoxicated if he or she:
- Has a blood, breath, or urine alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more (if under the age of 21, 0.02% is considered intoxicated) or…
- Is under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance to such a degree that his or her reactions, motor skills, and judgment are substantially altered and he or she presents a clear danger of physical injury or death to himself or herself or to others.