State Boater Education Card Courses
Most states require that boaters complete an offical and certified boater education course. The Boater Education Card (sometimes called a “boater’s license”) is proof that you have successfully completed your state’s official & approved boating safety course.
Getting started is easy. Just select your state from the list below.
Find Your State CourseGet Safe. Get Certified.
Complete at your own pace on your phone or computer

Who needs the Boater Education Card?
It's the Law!
For state's that require boater education, you are compelled by state law to complete an approved boating license course to operate legally on state waters.
The State Boating Programs encourage boaters to get their cards as soon as possible.
You Must Carry the Card
Vessel operators who are required to have a Boater Education Card must carry the card on board the vessel and have it available for inspection by an enforcement officer.
Not carrying your Boater Education Card when one is required can result in a fine.
Is my state's boater card accepted by other states?
Yes. All states that have mandatory boater education requirements will accept your states Boater Education Card. Likewise, your state will accept boating education cards that are issued by states that meet NASBLA requirements.
Do I need a state driver's license to get the boater card?
No. You are not required to have a state driver's license in order to obtain a Boater Education Card.
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Is the Boating Card the same as a Boating License?
A state's Boater Education Card is proof that you have successfully completed an approved boating safety course. Since the boater education card does not expire and does not need to be renewed, it is not called a Boating License.
How do I get a card?
Get your card in 3 easy steps.
Choose Your State
Step One Choose your state and register for free. Boat Ed is the only boater safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and we've worked with state boating safety agencies in 42 states to develop approved and recognized online boating safety courses.
Take the Online Course
Step Two Complete the online course on your smartphone, tablet, or destop computer. It works on device! And we've made the official state curriculum fun and easy. Learn at your own pace with engaging and interactive animations and videos. Learning boating safety has never been so easy!
Get on the Water!
Step Three After you pass the online course, for most states you'll just print out your temporary certificate and get right on the water. Then we'll send your results to the state and get your permanent certificate on its way to you.